Consumer Behaviour Analysis

INFO 523 - Fall 2023 - Project Final

Pattern Pioneers - Vishal, Joel, Pranshu, Shashwat, Bharath

Our Dataset

  • Amazon Consumer Behaviour Dataset that we came across in Kaggle was to unveil some customer insights.

  • It has a comprehensive collection of customer interactions, browsing patterns within the Amazon ecosystem.

  • It includes a wide range of variables such as customer demographics, user interaction, and reviews.

  • The dataset aims to provide insights into customer preferences, shopping habits, and decision-making processes on the Amazon platform

Our Dataset

Variable Description
Purchase_Frequency How frequently does the user make purchases on Amazon?
Product_Search_Method How does the user search for products on Amazon?
Customer_Reviews_Importance How important are customer reviews in users decision-making process?
age age
Gender gender
Browsing_Frequency How often does the user browse Amazon’s website or app?
Purchase_Categories What product categories does the user typically purchase on Amazon?
Cart_Completion_Frequency How often do user complete the purchase after adding products to their cart?
Personalized_Recommendation_Frequency How often do user receive personalized product recommendations from Amazon?
Search_Result_Exploration Does the user tend to explore multiple pages of search results or focus on the first page?

EDA Results- Top Improvement Areas

Question 1

What are the factors influencing the customer’s decision to abandon a purchase in their cart on Amazon?

Approach For Question 1

  • Data Cleaning:- Our analysis begins with precise exploratory data analysis (EDA) in R, focusing on key variables like Purchase_Frequency, Product_Search_Method, and Customer_Reviews_Importance to understand their impact on cart abandonment. During data cleaning, we ensure proper formatting and address missing values in columns age, Gender, and Browsing_Frequency.

  • We then apply statistical techniques like neural networks and decision trees to assess the influence of factors such as Personalized_Recommendation_Frequency and Search_Result_Exploration on cart abandonment.

  • Visualization- For visualisation we utilize the ggplot2 package for creating comprehensive graphics, including correlation maps.

Pre Processing

  • Upon examining the data, we observed that a single purchase, represented by a row, was associated with multiple purchase categories.
age gender purchase_frequency purchase_categories personalized_recommendation_frequency_6 browsing_frequency product_search_method search_result_exploration customer_reviews_importance add_to_cart_browsing cart_completion_frequency cart_abandonment_factors saveforlater_frequency review_left review_reliability review_helpfulness personalized_recommendation_frequency_18 recommendation_helpfulness rating_accuracy shopping_satisfaction service_appreciation improvement_areas grouped_improvement_areas
23 Female Few times a month Beauty and Personal Care Yes Few times a week Keyword Multiple pages 1 Yes Sometimes Found a better price elsewhere Sometimes Yes Occasionally Yes 2 Yes 1 1 Competitive prices Reducing packaging waste Reducing packaging waste
23 Female Once a month Clothing and Fashion Yes Few times a month Keyword Multiple pages 1 Yes Often High shipping costs Rarely No Heavily Yes 2 Sometimes 3 2 Wide product selection Reducing packaging waste Reducing packaging waste
24 Prefer not to say Few times a month Groceries and Gourmet Food;Clothing and Fashion No Few times a month Keyword Multiple pages 2 Yes Sometimes Found a better price elsewhere Rarely No Occasionally No 4 No 3 3 Competitive prices Product quality and accuracy Product quality and accuracy
24 Female Once a month Beauty and Personal Care;Clothing and Fashion;others Sometimes Few times a month Keyword First page 5 Maybe Sometimes Found a better price elsewhere Sometimes Yes Heavily Yes 3 Sometimes 3 4 Competitive prices Product quality and accuracy Product quality and accuracy
22 Female Less than once a month Beauty and Personal Care;Clothing and Fashion Yes Few times a month Filter Multiple pages 1 Yes Sometimes High shipping costs Rarely No Heavily Yes 4 Yes 2 2 Competitive prices Product quality and accuracy Product quality and accuracy
21 Female Less than once a month Clothing and Fashion No Rarely categories Multiple pages 1 Yes Rarely Changed my mind or no longer need the item Never No Heavily Yes 5 No 5 2 Wide product selection Product quality and accuracy Product quality and accuracy

Pre Processing

  • To address this issue and ensure data consistency, we chose to split the categories into separate rows.
age gender purchase_frequency purchase_category personalized_recommendation_frequency_6 browsing_frequency product_search_method search_result_exploration customer_reviews_importance add_to_cart_browsing cart_completion_frequency cart_abandonment_factors saveforlater_frequency review_left review_reliability review_helpfulness personalized_recommendation_frequency_18 recommendation_helpfulness rating_accuracy shopping_satisfaction service_appreciation improvement_areas grouped_improvement_areas
23 Female Few times a month Beauty and Personal Care Yes Few times a week Keyword Multiple pages 1 Yes Sometimes Found a better price elsewhere Sometimes Yes Occasionally Yes 2 Yes 1 1 Competitive prices Reducing packaging waste Reducing packaging waste
23 Female Once a month Clothing and Fashion Yes Few times a month Keyword Multiple pages 1 Yes Often High shipping costs Rarely No Heavily Yes 2 Sometimes 3 2 Wide product selection Reducing packaging waste Reducing packaging waste
24 Prefer not to say Few times a month Groceries and Gourmet Food No Few times a month Keyword Multiple pages 2 Yes Sometimes Found a better price elsewhere Rarely No Occasionally No 4 No 3 3 Competitive prices Product quality and accuracy Product quality and accuracy
24 Prefer not to say Few times a month Clothing and Fashion No Few times a month Keyword Multiple pages 2 Yes Sometimes Found a better price elsewhere Rarely No Occasionally No 4 No 3 3 Competitive prices Product quality and accuracy Product quality and accuracy
24 Female Once a month Beauty and Personal Care Sometimes Few times a month Keyword First page 5 Maybe Sometimes Found a better price elsewhere Sometimes Yes Heavily Yes 3 Sometimes 3 4 Competitive prices Product quality and accuracy Product quality and accuracy
24 Female Once a month Clothing and Fashion Sometimes Few times a month Keyword First page 5 Maybe Sometimes Found a better price elsewhere Sometimes Yes Heavily Yes 3 Sometimes 3 4 Competitive prices Product quality and accuracy Product quality and accuracy

EDA Results - Age Distribution

EDA Results - Purchase Frequency

Models Used

  • Neural Networks
  • Decision Tree

Correlation Matrix for Consumer Behaviour

Modeling - NNET

Model for Question 1
# calling the nnet model with Cart_Abandonment_Factors and Product_Search_Method being our focus

model <- nnet(
  cart_abandonment_factors ~ product_search_method,
  data = train_data,
  size = 100,
  maxit = 1000

Modeling - Decision Tree

  • Key Takeaway- The most important factor for people abandoning there carts was that “they found a better price elsewhere”

Question 2

Which demographic (on the basis of gender and age) is most likely to purchase a particular product category?

Approach For Question 2

The approach that we took to solve determine which demographic is most likely to purchase a particular product category is as follows:

  • Data Cleaning: We checked the data set for any inconsistencies like missing values or incorrect data. Then we tried to handle the outliers if they needed to be removed.

  • Summary statistics: After data cleaning we performed the summary statistics for important columns like purchase category, age group, gender which helped us understand the characteristics and the distribution of data.

  • Visualization: After a few steps of data transformation which included splitting the rows having multiple purchase categories into multiple rows with same data in other columns we performed some visualizations using ggplot to represent the data with the bar plots which helped us to figure out some trends and patterns of our data.

  • Modelling: In the final part we performed statistical modelling to assess the likelihood of purchasing different product categories based on demographic variables like age and gender. We achieved this goal by using logistic regression models to predict the probability of a particular demographic to purchase each category.

EDA Results

EDA Results

EDA Results

EDA Results


Model for Question 2
for (category in unique_categories) {
  # Binary variable for each category
  df_expanded[[category]] <- ifelse(df_expanded$purchase_category == category, 1, 0)
  # Model
  model_formula <- as.formula(paste(category, "~ age_group + gender"))
  model <- multinom(model_formula, data=df_expanded)
  # Store the model
  models[[category]] <- model
  # Evaluation
  predictions <- predict(model, df_expanded)
  reports[[category]] <- confusionMatrix(data=factor(predictions, levels=c(0,1)), 
                                         reference=factor(df_expanded[[category]], levels=c(0,1)))

Challenges faced

  • Insufficient amount of data to conduct a full fledged analysis on cart abandonment factors.
  • The dataset contained time value for only a couple of weeks.
  • Finalizing the model which correctly analyzes the data.
  • Class Imbalance issue while modeling using logistic regression.
  • Some models we tried are over fitting the data like random forest.


  • Exploring the pros and cons of neural networks in our dataset.
  • Handling datasets and experimenting with models that can be applied for real-time use cases.
  • We identified the key factors which decides on the car abandonment.